Oscilloscope OWON XDS3202A

Oscilloscope OWON XDS3202A

SKU :73


IDR 73.458.000

Harga sudah termasuk PPN 10%

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Technical Data : 
Bandwidth 200MHz
Trigger Type Edge, Video, Pulse, Slope, Runt, Windows, Timeout, Nth Edge, Logic, I2C, SPI, RS232,  and CAN (optional)
Sample Rate 1GS/s
Vertical Resolution (A/D) 14bits
Rise Time(at input, typical) ≤1.7ns
Display 8 inch TFT LCD, 800 x 600 pixels(optional Touch Screen display)
Horizontal Scale (s/div) 1ns/div~1000s/div, step by 1~2~5
Input Impedance 1MΩ ± 2%, in parallel with 15pF ± 5pF; 50Ω ± 2%
DC Gain Accuracy ±1%
DC Accuracy average≥16:±(3% reading+0.05 div) for delt V
Vertical Sensitivity 1 mV/div~10 V/div
Record length 40M
Waveform Refresh Rate 75,000 wfms/s
Channel 2+1 (external)
Channel Isolation 50Hz : 100 : 1, 10MHz : 40 : 1
Max Input Voltage 1MΩ ≤ 300Vrms; 50Ω ≤ 5Vrms
Probe Attenuation Factor 0.001X~1000X, step by 1~2~5
LF Respond (AC, -3dB) ≥5Hz (at input, AC coupling, -3dB)
Sample Rate / Relay Time Accuracy ±1ppm
Interpolation sin(x) / x
Interval (deltT) Accuracy (full bandwidth) Single: ±(1 interval time+1ppm*reading+0.6ns);
Average>16:±(1 interval time+1ppm*reading+0.4ns)
Input Coupling DC, AC, and GND
Vertical Sensitivity 1mV/div - 10V/div (at input)


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